Clan Buchanan Parliament
After the Chiefs inauguration, at Cambusmore Estate, Callander, Scotland on Sunday 9th October 2022, Clan Buchanan held the first Parliament in over 300 years. The chief consider himself the first amongst equals, and as such is open to collaboration and suggestions for the betterments and progression of the clan.
Attendees are listed at the bottom of this page. All those in attendance are consider to be involved in the process and were invited to participate, exchange ideas and pass initiatives or ideas.

The Clan Chief’s Procession
The procession entered the marquee led by the Chief’s pipers in the following order:
Chief’s Pipers: Rod Buchanan, Richard Harris and Scott Buchanan
Chief’s Banner Bearer George MacAusland
Kevin Buchanan (bearing the Sept Coronet)
Rory Buchanan (bearing the Falcon Sgian Dubh)
Lucy Buchanan (bearing the White Rod)
Bruce Buchanan (bearing the Targe & Lion sword)
The Lady Buchanan
The Buchanan (bearing the Cromach)
Malcolm Buchanan (Parliament Convenor)
Paul Gibson (Clan Chamberlain).
Welcome and Introduction
The M.C., Dr Shona Gibson, welcomed everyone to the first Clan Parliament in over 340 years, explained the Clan’s symbols carried into the Parliament and gave a synopsis of the proceedings.
The Rev. Dr. Andrew Buchanan said a prayer for those attending and for the success of the Parliament.
The Chief Opens the Clan Parliament
The Parliament was opened by John Michael Bailie-Hamilton Buchanan of that Ilk, Chief of Clan Buchanan.
The Buchanan spoke about the historical occasion, the value of participating, open discussion, and the necessity of linking the past traditions to the future direction and generation of the clan.
Recognised the relationship of the Clan with the CBSI worldwide, The Buchanan Society, the Chief’s Council and Armigers and the neighbouring clans.
Recognised Lord Lyon’s decision to award 5 new Armigers, viz. Noting that Angus is Buchanan of that Ilk, Younger, the recognition of Buchanan territorial designations has been agreed to as follows – Bruce Buchanan of Arnprior; Lucy Buchanan of Leny; Rory Buchanan of Auchleshie. New Armigers are Dr Shona Gibson, Esq. and Mr Paul Gibson, Esq.
Agenda Topics to set strategies and priorities for the next 5 years
Shona Gibson stated the Agenda Topics to set strategies and priorities for the next 5 years:
- Role of the various elements of the Clan, the Chief’s Council, Armigers, and relationship with the CBSI worldwide, The Buchanan Society, the Chief’s Council and Armigers and the neighbouring clans.
- Our Clan’s Relevance, Values, Knowledge of the historical significance of the Clan and Vision for the Future
- Telling our story through archaeology and history research, including creating an Artefact Register, developing a proposal for a Clan Heritage Centre/Museum
- Engaging the clan’s youth to ensure our future
- Marketing the Clan
- Promotion of business relationships through Chief’s patronage
- Establish Scottish Clan Charity/Trust/Foundation
- The Chief’s Pipers develop roles and responsibilities for the Chief’s Pipers, actively promote piping through a library of music, creating or sourcing Marches for Clan events, and look at establishing a Clan ceremonial pipe and drum bandand, if time allows, Establish Clan Buchanan Ceremonial Pipe and Drum Band(s).
Business of the Parliament
Shona Gibson then called Malcolm Buchanan, Parliament Convenor, to introduce the Business of the Parliament, commencing with correspondence and messages.
Correspondence and Messages
Kevin Buchanan, Vice President, Clan Buchanan Society International (CBSI), read a letter from David Byrne, President, CBSI, reflecting upon the significance of the occasion, the CBSI developments since the Chief was announced, the role of the CBSI to support the initiatives and goals set forth by the Parliament and the Chief, and working with members of the Clan to continue to expand the role as an important part of the Buchanan story as we enter a new era with our Chief.
Malcolm Buchanan presented messages from Claude Buchanan, CBSI Emeritus Herald, (New Zea-land) and a representer of the Buchanans of Drumakill and from Ian Gray-Buchanan, (Queensland, Aus-tralia) the representer of the Gray-Buchanans of Arden. They extended congratulations to The Buchanan on receiving official recognition as Clan Chief.
There being no further correspondence, Malcolm Buchanan addressed the meeting advising that the main topics had been spelled out in the CBSI’s Buchanan Banner in July 2022.
Topic 1: Role of the various elements of the Clan, the Chief’s Council, Armigers, and relationship with the CBSI worldwide, The Buchanan Society, the Chief’s Council and Armigers and the neighbouring clans.
Malcolm Buchanan spoke about the roles and relationships between the various elements and organisations comprising the clan.
- Clan and Clan Society – the difference between the Clan and the Clan Society
- Clan Parliament – establishes the strategic directions for the Clan.
- The Clan Buchanan Society International – supports the implementation of decisions by the Clan Parliament and is the face of the Clan in each region worldwide.
- Charities – The Buchanan Society is an integral feature of the Clan. It is the oldest Scottish Clan Society (established in 1725), now purely a charity supporting clan folk with surnames Buchanan, MacAuslan, MacWattie and Risk.
- Chief’s Council – considers matters between Clan Parliaments and reviews progress on achieving strategies. Currently people with expertise immediately known to the Chief would be appointed to the Council to get actions underway. In time, others could be appointed for their expertise.
- Armigers – clan members who have Coats of Arms (ed. granted by Lord Lyon in Scotland or the College of Arms in England) traditionally were advisers to the Chief.
- Relationship with neighbouring Clans – The Loch Lomond initiative.
Questions were invited from those in attendance.
No questions received at this time.
Topic 2: Our Clan’s relevance, values, reflecting upon the past to take us into the future.
Motion to be put:
That the Clan adopt the following values:
- Generosity, curiosity, care and wellbeing
- Sharing education and knowledge
- Equality in race, class and orientation
- Sustainable power and environmental ecosystems
- Economic, creative and industrial innovation
- Climate change action and planning for future generations
But Buck Buchanan recalls that this may not be the most accurate of descriptions
General Discussion
Pedro Buchanan commented that the clan should have the ability to achieve those values.
The Motion:
That the Clan adopt the stated values
Motion moved by: Malcolm Buchanan
Seconded: Michael Richardson
Status: Carried
Topic 3: Telling our story through archaeology and history research.
This topic relied on a video presentation from the Clan Archaeologist, Kim Tuovinen. The presentation was not able to be played due to the technology not being available and the light in the marquee. Therefore, the topic was deferred.
Motion to be put:
- That a project plan be established for priority archaeological research relevant to the Clan
- That a project plan be established for priority historical research relevant to the Clan
- That the Clan establish an Artefacts Register
- That the Clan develop a proposal for a Clan Heritage Centre/Museum.
Please note that this presentation is now available at the bottom of
This topic was deferred.
Topic 4: Engaging the clan’s youth to ensure our future.
Motion to be put:
That strategies for engaging the Clan’s youth be developed.
Matt Buchanan advised he would be speaking in more detail during the afternoon speaking session and that it was then he would deliver his proposed strategies.
Marj Easterling suggested it would be easier to engage with the youth through social media.
Kelly Carter suggested, to give the youth responsibility and encourage them to come forward.
Adrian Sheldon wanted to hear from the chieftains on their perspective that would help with youth engagement to which Lucy responded and reiterated that youth was essential to continued development of the clan and that all strategies should be considered.
Karen Buchanan suggested starting with youth at an early age such as attendance at festivals and highland games and through the parents interest, it would assist in encouraging ongoing interest as they mature.
Dana Buchanan suggested having a sense of belonging to an organisation would assist with youth engagement.
Ken Buchanan advised from what he has seen, only children with older parents seem to get engaged.
Anna Buchanan recommended that through music it can create engagement.
Off topic discussion
Captain Paul Buchanan (“of no fixed address”) questioned “Who Are We?”
Matt Buchanan responded that we are a group attempting to start an active and engaging body to increase the clan profile with support and assistance from organisations such as CBSI, Clan Buchanan Society and others.
The Buchanan responded that we are CBSI, Family and Clan coming together to develop a process to take the “Clan” forward from this day.Kevin Buchanan reiterated we need clear discussion and communication to take the clan forward.
Clay Buchanan indicated that with the New Hampshire Games, attending is like being with a family and provides a sense of belonging. The Buchanan gathering creates the family.
Games brings the family together and using social media helps to pull it together.
A general enquiry relating to shamanism and if the Clan will include references to it.
Back on the topic of youth
Allyson Black commented that good intentions, good hearts, music, pipes and forming groups helps with youth engagement.
Shane Watson commented that if the clan is to be sustainable, then it needs to look at key activities to attract youth to make it a success.
Marj Easterling suggested colouring in sheets, passports at games as ways to engage the youth.
Chris Peskett commented that resources are needed and to be available at a central point.
Matt Buchanan advised that the CBSI website already has central location for convenors, which included colouring-in books and resources that are available for clan tent convenors. Other items can be added to the website to assist convenors. Matt suggested that if anyone has other ideas, to put them forward and he will include them on the website.Kelly Carter recommended that convenors should create their own resources to suit their needs as determined by their situations.
Julie Jordin suggested that the convenors should be creating an environment that encourages participation.
John Buchanan suggested that the convenors should be creating an environment that is inclusive and diverse.
All discussion topics have been included above for consideration in the strategies for youth engagement.
The motion to be put:
That strategies for engaging the Clan’s youth be developed.
Motion moved by: Malcolm Buchanan
Seconded by: Trevor Paradis
Status: Carried.
Topic 6: Promotion of business relationships through Chief’s patronage.
Motion to be put:
That a proposal for Chief’s Patronage of businesses that assist the Clan be developed.
- The Buchanan indicated that patronage could include the silversmith who created the clan jewels, the Scotland shop with discounts for all Buchannan clan members, Morrison’s academy through the warrant process.
- The Lady Buchanan suggested patronage through scholarships from fund raising.
- George McAusland suggested discounts with the Buchanan Arms Hotel for accommodation etc.
The Motion:
That a proposal for Chief’s Patronage of businesses that assist the Clan be developed.
Motion moved by: Malcolm Buchanan
Seconded by: Kevin Buchanan
Status: Carried.
Topic 7: Establish Scottish Clan Charity / Trust / Foundation.
The motion to be put:
That a proposal to establish a Clan Charity / Trust / Foundation be developed in Scotland.
Malcolm Buchanan outlined the need for a Clan Charity / Trust / Foundation to be developed in Scotland, including fundraising for archaeological projects longer term and to establish a Clan Centre/Museum. Funding from the Scottsh Government requires the charity to be established in Scotland.
Noted the purpose of The Buchanan Society relates to very specific charitable objectives that do not include archaeology or clan centres.
- George McAusland confirmed that there were 4 members in the UK, all of which were in attendance at the parliament. This number does not include the chief and his family.
- John de la Cruz indicated that membership in the UK was an issue as there was a general lack of interest.
- George McAusland stated that “the further away from Scotland you are the more Scottish you become”.
General comment. To establish a fund, you need members and membership subscriptions.
- The Buchanan stated that to receive grants, there needs to be a society established.
- George McAusland stated that kids of today do not have the time, are not interested as their day to day life is surrounded by their heritage.
- Pedro Buchanan presented the Buchanan with a gift. A “liquid Jewel” with a percentage of the proceeds from the sale of these products will go towards a trust or Buchanan charity when developed.
The motion:
That a proposal to establish a Clan Charity/ Trust/ Foundation in Scotland be developed if required.
Motion moved by: Malcolm Buchanan
Seconded by: Pedro Buchanan
Status: Carried.
Topic 8: Roles and Responsibilities of Chief’s Pipers and promote of Piping with Clan Buchanan
Motion to be put:
That the Chief’s Pipers:
- Develop a statement of the Roles and Responsibilities of Chief’s Pipers to the Chief and Clan Organisations
- Actively promote piping within Clan Buchanan by:
- Assembling and creating a library of music related to Clan Buchanan
- Create or source a march or set of Marches themed around “Buchanan’s Gathering” which are to be played at Clan Events
- Look at options to establish a Clan Buchanan Ceremonial Pipe and Drum Bands.
The chair called Richard Harris to make a presentation in favour of the motion.
- Richard Harris commented that the Clan needs to encourage and promote good piping, common tunes and relationships in the regions. Buchanan bands can be regional e.g. USA, UK and Australia for example.
- Matt Buchanan commented that competitions would encourage participation and be a flagship for the Buchanan clan at festivals etc.
General comment: Music is poetry, it is spiritual and has meaning.
General comment: It would be an asset if the pipers could record specific Clan Buchanan Music.
Motion put:
Actively promote piping within Clan Buchanan
Motion moved by: Richard Harris
Seconded by: Adrian Sheldon
Status: Carried.
Shona Gibson provided a recap of the key points brought to the discussion and then called The Buchanan for final comments before closing the meeting
Next Meeting: To Be Advised, but possibly over Zoom or as a Webinar
Parliamentary Panel
The Buchanan
Lady Buchanan
Angus Buchanan
(Chieftain) AbsentBruce Buchanan
(Chieftain)Rory Buchanan
(Chieftain)Lucy Buchanan
(Chieftain)Malcolm Buchanan
(Shenachie/ Convenor)Shona Gibson
(Master of Ceremonies)Paul Gibson
(Chamberlain / Scribe)Scott Buchanan
(Clan Piper)Richard Harris
(Clan Piper)Rod Buchanan
(Clan Piper)Rev. Dr. Andrew Buchanan
CBSI Representatives
Kevin Buchanan
(CBSI Executive Representative)Scott Buchanan
(CBSI Canada Representative)Matt Buchanan
(CBSI Oceania Representative)John Delacruz
(CBSI UK Representative)George MacAusland
(CBSI Scotland Representative)Pedro Buchanan
(CBSI Mexico Representative)

Kent Baird
Allyson Black
Michael Bricker
Marilu Bricker
Michael Briggs
Katherine Briggs
Cris Buchanan
Dana Buchanan
James Buchanan
- Judy Buchanan
Karen Buchanan
Lachlan Buchanan
Allan Buchanan
Cameron Buchanan
John Buchanan
Connor Buchanan
Ian Buchanan
Clay Buchanan
Todd Buchanan
Damian Buchanan
Isla Buchanan
Annie Buchanan
Robert Buchanan
Ken Buchanan
Anne Buchanan
Grant Buchanan
Paul Buchanan
Michael Buchanan
Carie Buchanan
Hugh Buchanan
Fiona Buchanan
Christian Buchanan
Dana Marie Buchanan
Dr Kelly Carter
Glenna Chernoff
Lynelle Connelly
Barbara Cowie
Rhuan de Souza
Vivienne Delacruz
Marj Easterling
Peggy Easterling
Christa Evans
Catherine Evans
Stephanie Gibson
James Gibson
Jag Gibson
John Gibson
Jack Gillespie
Chris Green
Becky Green
Stephen Harris
Andrea Hertzler
Evan Howe
Mary Howe
Sean Howe
Seamus Howe
Jane Jellison
Julie Jordiin
Jeffrey King
Rebecca King Rowland
Henry Lasseigne
Margaret McAusland
Elizabeth McCaslin Passela
Helen McMaster
Jeffrey Money
Janiece Money
Margaret Noel
Trevor Paradis
George Passela
Christopher Peskett
Andrew Pierce
Michael Richardson
Adrian Sheldon
Virginia Sotelo
Linda Turner
William Watson
Lynne Watson
Shane Watson